
You can find me personally at [baburd at gmail dot com] and officially at [baburd at ioe dot edu dot np] and my Temporary Cabin at Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, IOE Pulchowk Campus.

PLZ send SMS with your identity if your call has not been received..i am almost busy keeping my phone in silence mode.
Thank you. 


  1. sir, ur website server is down! please mail me chp 8 transaction note in

  2. Exuse me sir; I am a student of grade 12. I want to do computer engineering from Pulchowk engineering college. Please describe me a bit about it . How is the study and what is the quality of it. If you can then please send me the syllabus of computer engineering 2013 of Pulchowk.
    I would be very grateful if you would describe me these things!
