Yesterday, i just attended one marriage ceremony of my relatives(MaMa ko chhori). i saw the environment, realized the environment and activities of marriage. actually my father giving me pressure these days for marriage to me but i just denied and not talking with him also about mariage.
so adult people from village, old and experienced mind, traditional habit, full of cultural and social activities. i saw some marriage processes where i found how marriage would be done in nepalese tradition. its just a typical nepali tradition. actually my habit is just opposite from some nepali tradition. i don't know this is due to my proudness or i become advanced or i am out of track or cultural & technological gap with them. i want to save the nepali cluture but want to improve so as to bridge with the new world.
my father little angried with me that i denied his request. i just reached near a gang of my parents label where is te gang of peeople over 60 years old and all having educational status below Intermediate and from village. what they talking....."we have to save the culture and society..we have to continue this marriage style until we matter our new generation will follow the culture or not after our death but it must be until we alive. Almost people who live in cities and educated are having bad cultural habit and they just follow the international style..its not good etc etc...." i just realized and analyzed. i am also in new generation and lit. bit educated. so i felt that they are talking indirectly to me. i knew, we have to save the culture and nepalese tradition but what i want is we have to refine the culture with time for the development process otherwise nepal will remain on this stage(stone age) for the next 1000 years where as other countries......still people remained on this stage and they dont want to improve themselves then how the country and people of this country will develop yar..though for living every creature, culture and society is the most important part. we can't live without our culture and society. our main moto is to improve the culture and social activities and develop the country. but what can i do???????
conclusion is: "try to refine the cultural, social & make technological gap short between old generation and new generation."
recently i returned back to my office for meeting. after that meeting, i came to hostel and took some photos of myself and friends in hostel. the following are the some snapshots...
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